Wendy Jean Holistics

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Chop Wood, Carry Water

Zen Quote ... “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water”

Always focus on the work that matters to YOU! It has been an uplifting and amazing autumn filled with experiences that have been magical beyond belief. Renewing my belief and knowing that we do create what happens in our lives; both positive and negative. Human experience is the true key to any journey, without it some part of ourselves can be left wondering that ultimate “psycho babble” phrase “what if”? This month I have personally been given the time and have taken the quest to explore this planet in celebration and in return have been gifted treasures from Gaia in the form of crystals, fully intact with their ancient memories ready to share with humanity.

Not everything in life comes easy, experiences have taught me that. Usually, what we fear most we create in our energy field, in order to have the experiences we need/desire for our soul to evolve. Live and learn is what I grew up with. Maybe that is what a “well rounded” personality means. Making personal mistakes in life and learning to do better if that situation should ever occur again. Sometimes it has taken me many attempts to get an emotion, ideal or situation understood before I began to realize what I was creating for myself. Only by taking that hard look inside of our heart and mind to understand how WE tick and why “stuff” can make our hearts race and our blood boil. This is the journey into what being a human is actually all about.

I took my first Reiki course in 2005 and door after door opened like an information highway. More and more answers became available to my many questions. In 2008 I became a Reiki Master Teacher and started sharing this amazing new knowledge with anyone who would listen, there were a few but not many that could grasp, or even believe the concept of self healing. I lost my enthusiasm and second guessed myself while attempting to share with "Humans" of the general population and decided I would bring all the knowledge I had learned back into my own life and that I would use Reiki to improve my home, my gardens, my family and whatever ways I could dream of to use this skill. All my experiments and uses proved nothing but positive outcomes when I consciously used the Reiki energies to assist any and all that came in contact with the energy. Plant, animal, person and even machines! I know and believe that we can heal anything and everything that is a dis- ease in our bodies and we can even prevent disease from happening in the future! Reiki opened my mind into the world of possibilities.

I allowed myself to open that door that had always intrigued me; the world of energy and spirit. I can see looking back it was something I personally desired to understand. So many questions, but the word “occult” at that time in my life only meant dark, scary and was not discussed. So, I researched the topic and chuckled to myself the moment I realized it really only meant “hidden knowledge”. In those moments of realization

"Hindsight has offered me the gift to see and understand that hidden knowledge isn’t really hidden... rather it is a perspective that is available to those brave enough to look and explore."

often for me a whole new stream of internal questions surfaces, first and foremost why is their hidden knowledge? Wondering what could be so important to hide from general understanding or teaching to cover it with an evil wrapper. So many books all of a sudden began to appear for me to see on these hidden topics, sometimes I would read a whole chapter in a bookstore before I made my purchase and left. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. Then as life goes, I created the experiences too! Both amazing and horrible in the moments they were happening. Hindsight has offered me the gift to see and understand that hidden knowledge isn’t really hidden ...rather it is a perspective that is available to those brave enough to look and explore. I confidently can say, I have explored and experienced many OMG (Oh My Goddess) moments.

I was living on a farm where I could see lots of open farmland that bordered a Native Reservation. This was a time in my life where I began exploring energy healing modalities as well as teaching and practicing yoga. All these activities allowed me the experiences of exploring the world of invisible (unseen) sensations (energy). The visible effects and changes it had on my mind, body and spirit, we’re profound. Learning to expect the unexpected and not to react in fear as the experiences transpired. All those lessons on my yoga mat helped me to get through most experiences without a negative personal internal reaction. Acknowledging to myself that all those voices and faces I have heard and seen my whole life were in fact real...more real than I could ever have imagined.

One day around dusk I was doing dishes, looking out the window. There was a moment when I could see a visible energy shimmering at me through the window. It looked like the heat coming off a hot road on a summer day. My heart raced immediately and in the moment I said out loud, “I can see you” and I watched it react and flashed faster like it was excited and I heard a reply “I can see you too”! I replied, “what do you want”? As fast as I asked the question I again heard the answer in my head, “what is it like to be human”? The question threw me, because at that moment I didn’t have an answer and replied, “I don’t know”. Then the moment was over. Little did I understand a dozen years ago what that question would ignite. A quest began that day to find my understanding and answers to; What is it like to be human?

The innate curiosity that moment inspired has been one of the most rewarding adventures of my life. The next time a being comes along and the question, “What is it like to be human” comes up I can confidently say I have some stories to share. Until another moment arises, I will continue to “chop wood and carry water” and allow the life I came here to live, continue to amaze me with magic as we create and work toward being the best human we can be by letting go of not allowing ourselves to have the experiences to enrich life’s journey.

Wendy Allan is the owner and founder of Wendy Jean Holistics; formally Indigo Wellness and Yoga. She has a 35+ year career in the Health and Wellness industry. Her experiences and background have given her a broad spectrum of self healing ideals and tools to share with students and clients.

Wendy is motivated by a never ending curiosity of the power of the mind and how it contributes to disease and the self healing process. She knows, trusts and has witnessed what a healthy, focused mind can do and create.

A life long quest of health and well-being began with a 20+ year career in nursing and raising a family. Wishing to be more of an at home mom, she studied yoga, meditation and reiki. In 2006 Indigo Wellness & Yoga opened.

The study and practice of yoga opened more opportunities to learn and explore alternative healing ideals and practices. In 2009 Wendy completed a “Holistic Practitioner” program which included more natural healing methods such as Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Massage and Aromatherapy. After many years of hands-on experience, in 2019 the world changed forever. In keeping with the times, in April 2020, Wendy Jean Holistics was born and a broader spectrum of classes and online sessions were offered.

Wendy is currently working part-time offering classes, in person and online sessions and consultations. If you would like more information, you can message Wendy at: wendyjeanholistics@gmail.com.