Wendy Jean Holistics

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Remembering Deer Heart

It amazes me how life falls into place, often when we stop long enough to look around and listen to that beautiful inner voice that tries oh so hard to get our attention in order to give us clues to our next step on the path of life. A couple days ago during a meditation, with the intention of seeking clarity to the question, which way next? Answers don’t always come as fast as this one did. I heard many times during the meditation to look down. After a brief moment where I answered, that voice with a WHAT? Eventually, as odd as the request was, I opened my eyes and looked down, the shirt I was wearing was the answer. You know when an emotional reaction happens, realizations can occur, those emotional tears and the heart warming feeling that truth brings. So I laughed and cried at the same time, understanding, but not really. 

A story began in July 2014 with an idea to design a tee-shirt that would represent an image of peace, love, integrity and truth, one that would portray said message to the world. We commissioned an artist named Jack Urquhart (@jackurquhart_tattoos) who we shared our vision and ideas with. This intention came from a spiritual biker, that I know and love, who wished to change the ill ways of society; and who now walks between worlds. The image Jack created was amazing to say the least, her battle scars are beautifully visible. She is calling you to remember what is right and wrong. Like a mother, ever so protective of all young souls she remembers those old teachings of strong healthy connections for our young, as they will become the future teachers and leaders of the planet. I heard her name in the whisper of the wind one day. “Deer Heart”, her gentle flowing glance will look deep into your heart with the unconditional innocence and acceptance of the wild untamed you. The tee shirts were completed and 9 years ago I decided to permanently wear this artwork on my arm. This is my daily reminder to stand up for truth, integrity and love in a peaceful sacred manner, to protect and ensure that for generations to come. 

With guidance of a great number of souls in this world and others, this warrior goddess has traveled many many roads along the self awareness journey. Discovering, accepting and finally understanding that true peace lies within the very soul and that love will always be the answer. Her wisdom speaks loudly, can you hear it? Disguised perhaps as your inner voice, remembering to hear this call is the journey. When you choose to exist in love and oneness for self, only then can you begin to understand the call of the heart. This trek has led her to the path of “ A Peaceful Warrior”. Standing up for what is right and true in a peaceful way of compassion, communication and ethical responsibility. All life is sacred and protecting that is her mission. Deer Heart stands proud in her grace, wisdom and beauty, proudly displaying the wisdom gained for what she has experienced and survived along her life. Her image represents the vision that good vs. evil does exist and we are the only ones who can save ourselves. All aspects of life are a choice, this is the epic battle of the soul. This warrior path is a reminder to all of us to stand up and speak out when it comes to injustice in the world and to Peacefully work toward solutions, healing and forgiveness for all. Isn't this what we all really wish for?

There's a reason for everything. The answer to the question that began this story, “What way next?” The memories are calling me back for some attention and further exploration. By revisiting, this will allow me to see, hear and understand what this warrior wishes to teach me.  “A Peaceful Warrior” resides within all of us. I believe we can change the direction of the world to one of peace, love and truth. All paths lead home! There are no limits as to what can and is possible when we choose to keep the heart light on. This is the true path to Victory of the Light! ✌️

So where is this leading, I dont’ know yet, but I will keep you posted on the findings and discoveries made as I continue to learn and remember the ways of “A Peaceful Warrior”.