The Call of the Peacock

When we Listen we can hear nature call out to us in its primal language.

Through the years I have realized the connection between nature and humans, and how the earth and its creatures support us. People generally are more at peace when they are away from the hustle and bustle of the city and take the time to just sit and appreciate what really exists outside of ourselves and our home environments. Everyone has had an animal show up in their life in the oddest of ways, maybe you have asked yourself why would that animal be there in that moment? One of the clearest memories of random animal oddness was seeing a deer in a park along a road within the Edmonton city limits.  Sitting at a red light I noticed it; I even looked around at all the other cars, no one else had any idea of the beautiful creature casually eating without a care in the world.  It is these moments that have often intrigued me. So, I educated myself and asked lots of questions.  Eventually I was lead down a path that would explain and help me to understand why these animals were showing up and an explanation as to why I was seeing them.  The answer came with a realization that nature and the world around us will provide us hints and messages that will guide us along our life journey … when we choose to slow down enough to see and listen, we can learn so much from what the earth and her creatures wish to share.  

One of the first books that came across my path to help me understand what these messages could possibly mean was "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews.  A great place to open your mind to what may be happening in your life.  The messages I have received over the years have been profound and magical. Over the last 10 years the peacock has visited my life in body, mind and spirit. A recently gifted bouquet of Peacock feathers forced me to pause yet again and investigate what exactly the peacock has been telling me.  

The Call of the Peacock ...
So who hasn't had a call to gaze at a peacock tail and the beautiful miracle that it really is.  It is mesmerizing, as as a child I remember the colors that held my attention and often wished I could have just a feather to remember the beauty.  A childhood memory as I explore the wild untamed beauty of the peacock, its feathers and the oh so loud sometimes eerie call it speaks to those that wish to hear it.  
Many beautiful feathers have been gifted to me by various people in different parts of the world.  A return from a medicine journey a few years ago, a peacock was physically calling and sitting on the porch railing the morning after ceremony, which he sang along in my mind throughout the night. A site of beauty and a gift with a message that has taken me years to understand. Life is so magical and inter connected when we take the time to put all the pieces together. 
The message of the peacock comes with a vibration that is associated with wisdom and greater vision.  When you look at those feathers, it can seem that a bunch of eyes are looking back at you; a reminder to trust experience and pay attention to the world around you.  Have you ever heard the call of the peacock, it is an eerie laughter.  It is said that the Peacock thinks its feet are ugly and every time it gets sight of them it laughs. This beautiful reminder is to not take life so seriously and laugh lots!  Our Peacock friends remind us pay attention to our own wisdom that comes with experience in life.  Did you know that Peacocks will kill poisonous snakes. That is an another amazing thing, as we begin to realize that the energy that the peacock reminds us is that the poisons of the world will stay away, when we trust ourselves. The Peacock as a "totem" is trying to get our attention to realize something about ourselves in our lives.  
We, have chosen the Peacock feather as our new logo. Our daily reminder to laugh at the ridiculous events life presents to us, to trust our innate wisdom and share knowledge with those that seek it.  


Chop Wood, Carry Water