Wendy Jean Wendy Jean

Remembering Deer Heart

There's a reason for everything. The answer to the question that began this story, “What way next?” The memories are calling me back for some attention and further exploration. By revisiting, this will allow me to see, hear and understand what this warrior wishes to teach me. “A Peaceful Warrior” resides within all of us.

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Wendy Jean Wendy Jean

A Life Saving Breath

Proper breathing and its connection between health and disease is often overlooked. In your own life think about the times you were forced to mouth breathe versus nostril breathing.

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Wendy Jean Wendy Jean

The Power of Reiki

REI - Universal Wisdom/God Consciousness which is all encompassing. It knows the cause of all problems and how to heal them.

KI/Chi – Universal Life Force Energy/Prana which is the non physical energy that emanates from all living things.

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Wendy Jean Wendy Jean

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Zen Quote ... “Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water”

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Wendy Jean Wendy Jean

The Call of the Peacock

Have you ever heard the call of the peacock, it is an eerie laughter.  It is said that the Peacock thinks its feet are ugly and every time it gets sight of them it laughs. This beautiful reminder is to not take life so seriously and laugh lots!

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