The Power of Reiki

ARE YOU a Reiki Practitioner?  It doesn’t matter when you learned this practice or when you last used it.  What is important to remember is to use this gift to improve your daily life in every aspect. The more Reiki you practice, the easier it becomes to sense the energy flowing through your hands and eventually throughout your whole body.  We all experience the energy differently. There are no correct answers or ways to feel or give Reiki, only YOUR experience as it happens, is what matters.  If or when doubts arise as to whether Reiki is working or if anything is happening; remind yourself, the answer is LOVE and LOVE always finds a way.   

REI - Universal Wisdom/God Consciousness which is all encompassing. It knows the cause of all problems and how to heal them.

KI/Chi – Universal Life Force Energy/Prana which is the non physical energy that emanates from all living things.

Intention is everything, so let your "busy" mind settle, and start using what you know will work to increase the Prana of everything in your life. Remember to pay attention to what you may be feeling and what is coming up for YOU; this place is where our practice begins. As the way of energy goes, during a Reiki session a “mirror” of self shows up and presents to be recognized for healing. “YOU" hold the answers to your healing questions no matter what. Every time you give Reiki, "YOU" get Reiki. It is a two way street and the energy is way smarter than "WE" are. Trusting your intuition and the vibration of love self healing will become effortless.

As WE all take the plunge to dive deep into our own inner truths … We will continue to raise the vibration of the planet to a place where only love can exist. The power is in our hands, literally. Allow that inner light to shine and feed that cosmic lighthouse!


Interested in a Distant Reiki Session for Human or Animal?

For more information click on the image below.


A Life Saving Breath


Chop Wood, Carry Water