Phoenix Chapter

A Non-Profit Organization

  • Paying it Forward into WELLNESS

    We believe that Wellness is a right, not a luxury.

    Our goal is to honor both caregivers and those who need care, by offering services, products and classes. Our aim is to support, educate and honor humanity in the importance of self-care for all, especially those who care for others while often foregoing time for themselves and for those who otherwise would be unable to afford the services we offer. The Phoenix Chapter makes Wellness accessible for every body, mind and soul.

    How Do We Accomplish This?

    Across Canada The Phoenix Chapter is providing awareness, support, education, services and products for the wellness of Canadians. We offer to those who are the Selfless Caregivers, First Responder’s, Social and Medical pillars of our communities; the beaten down, tired, traumatized and those who otherwise would be unable to afford the services in a typical wellness setting. We are able to achieve this with the gracious donation of our various Lighthouse locations, affiliates and advocates, who donate a certain amount of their time or space for services, access to product as well as, can apply for and access the monetary aid for additional Wellness providers or services from the Phoenix Chapter. Purchases from in-store locations and our online store are ways to assist those who could value these services. This is a feel good, "Be the Change" way of assisting someone who could use some healing and self care by way of community support. It does feel good for someone about their purchases and self-care services, knowing all money’s exchanged in some way, go back to support our Chapter. Creating Pay-It-Forward Wellness to communities across the nation and the world!

  • WJH is Joining the Lighthouse Services

    Stress has been scientifically proven to decrease the health and vitality of an individual which is linked to both disorder and disease. Reduction of stress and the stimulation of the Parasympathetic Nervous System, through many different holistic treatments, can aid in healing and preventative care. For decades the How To Spa and Wellness industry has aided the communities they reside within and we believe it to be a mandatory health option as opposed to the outdated perspectives by some medical practitioners. Mental Health, Addictions, the Opioid Crisis as well as many other movements have surfaced bringing light to the overwhelming need of our communities, that are affected by a lack of available affordable services and funding. The Phoenix Chapter offers care and assistance for those unable to afford the healing and preventative care of relaxation services and holistic health. Not to be forgotten are the selfless Caregivers who rarely take the time for their own care. Whether it be affordability, accessibility while giving their time to others or just not wanting to take from the "pot" there have been people who have been nominated by a community member in their region, to receive some well deserved care and appreciation. We pride ourselves in finding even mobile care, whenever possible, for first responder’s, social - community support workers and health care providers in hopes of keeping community pillars and resources strong.

    By linking service providers and product suppliers together, as one international network, The Phoenix Chapter is able to provide these services and products at lesser or no charge. While the public can feel good about their full service or product purchase as a part of a " Pay It Forward " Solution for the greater good. Making Self-Care both justified and achievable for all.

    WJH locally in Vilcabamba, as well as various locations in North America, will be offering the following services on a limited basis each month. Distant Reiki, Online Consultations, Reflexology. For more information please follow the email link below.